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Establishing #Atheism as a #Religion

Websters Dictionary defines religion as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe; a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects.

Whether it is a belief that there is a God or a belief that there is no God – a belief is a belief.  And a set of beliefs is a form of religion.

Atheism is organized into denominations/sects (Link) and Atheist can join a church (Link) and even become ordained pastors.  Like other forms of religion, the only way atheism grows is through evangelism and conversion (Link).  Their congregants struggle with such religious terms such as spiritualism (Link).

Like other religions, Atheist use the political system to change laws to ensure their beliefs are not discriminated against.  They have a group of lobbyist (Link) and are working to establish a political party (Link).

Much like Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism… there is no doubt that Atheism looks and acts like a religion.

If it looks like a duck… and quacks like a duck… it must be a duck.

Do you vote based on #Electability or your #Beliefs?

Republicans around the country are in a quagmire.  Each of Mitt Romney’s opponents posses qualities that resonate to a core block of GOP constituents but there isn’t a single candidate that are seemingly strong enough to knock President Obama out of the presidency – except for Mitt.

In many ways – Mitt says all the right things.  He has been playing his best right wing song and dance for awhile now, but he will always have the cloud of being a social issue flip flopper hanging over his head.   No matter what Mr. Romney says conservatives will likely continue to wonder if he is going to shoot left if he is elected as our next President.

The other candidates – Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum – each have very strong beliefs.  Paul is a strict constitutionalist but many of his views are unreasonable.  Santorum is a hard right candidate but lost his last Senate bid and seems to be coming down with the classic Perry Foot-n-Mouth Syndrome.  Gingrich is a highlight reel home run hitter of a candidate but strikes out way too much to be trusted for the #4 spot in the lineup.

This is a fatally flawed group.  President Obama and his political engine will eat them for lunch if nominated.

So… what is a Republican to do?  Vote for a candidate that may or may not be the person he says he is but can win the presidency or vote for a candidate that more closely falls in line with the voter’s beliefs but is more likely to lose against Obama?