When (Does) Life Matter(s)!? #gunrights #abortion #2ndamendment #prochoice #prolife

The topic of life – especially protecting a child’s life – has possibly never been as politicized as it is now.

On the left… Stands our President standing in front of a group of children as he announces legislation and presidential decrees meant to limit access to various styles of guns. Given the tragedy in Newton and Aurora, it is a powerful and important discussion our nation needs to have.

On the right… stands our nation’s clergy and member’s of the right with pictures of babies – both born and unborn held tightly in their hands. January 22nd marks the 40th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision and rallies will be held all over the country.

I know this is a simplification of both sides, but yet I am astounded how the vast majority on each side can both fight for life and the protection of their rights/choice (depending on the issue)… But yet cannot see the hypocrisy in their arguments. I, for one… Consider myself pro life and therefore believe we need to do what is necessary to protect the lives of the born – and unborn… The innocent and helpless.

Two issues essentially asking the same question… When does our rights end in order to protect the innocent?

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